Virtual 3D-Tours

Whether you want to make customers feel like they’re in a new home, help guests visualise their stay, or showcase the wonders of your venue to event planners and visitors.

3D virtual tours can help you close more deals faster and give you an innovative edge. It has been shown that prospects are 300 % more engaged with a 3D virtual tour than with 2D visuals. Virtual tours can help you deliver better experiences, happier customers and more sales.


Virtual tours lend themselves to a variety of industries to inspire your customers and provide a sense of security. Take a look at a few examples from different industries to give you an idea of how VIRTUAL PROMENADE can improve your customer experience.

Hotels & Restaurants

The unique design of the hotel and rooms often influences an overnight guest’s decision – but common photos do not always convey the atmosphere and the level of furnishings, but appear less vivid and distorted.

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Retail Business

Online shopping 2.0 – reach even more customers with the virtual tour and convince them to buy! Connect your online shop with your local shop through interactive buttons and create a unique customer experience.

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Events, Art & Culture

Louvre, Frida Calo Museum, Prada Museum – the trend towards online museum visits has long been set and more and more cultural sites are following their example. This is made possible by virtual tours where one can move through the premises or a museum online.

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Real Estate

For many, the search for a flat or house is a stressful affair. With the virtual tours, you can offer potential buyers the opportunity to evaluate your property for themselves even before a viewing appointment.

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Educational Institutions

When it comes to their offspring, parents often only want the best – this includes children’s clubs, associations as well as educational and support facilities. With a virtual tour, your facility can convince online!

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Fair Pricing Structures

With us, you only pay for what you need for your project. Therefore, we offer you 3 different service packages from which you can choose. If you need additional services, please contact us at any time so that we can send you a suitable offer.


  • Areas up to 100 m2
  • Virtual Tour
  • Hosting for 12 Month incl.
    After that 30,- € per year

+ Floor Plan Creation
+ Urgent Order – Completion within 24 hours*

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  • Areas from 100 m2 to 190 m2
  • Virtual Tours
  • Hosting for 12 Months incl.
    After that 30,- € per year
  • Floor Plan Creation

+ Urgent Order – Completion within 24 hours*

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  • Areas from 190 m2
  • Virtual Tours
  • Hosting for 12 Months incl.
    After that 30,- € per year
  • Floor Plan Creation
  • Integration of 5 Metatags

+ Urgent Order – Completion within 24 hours*
+ Aerial drone shots 

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High definition imagery

In addition to the unique virtual tours, we also offer high-resolution 4K photos, which you can use individually for marketing your property.

4k Photos
from € 49
3 photos for € 49?
8 photos for € 99?
12 photos for € 119?
12+ photos by appointment
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Your benefits at a glance

Shape the sales of the future in the present!

Do you still have questions?

Get in touch with us!

    IMMOtions GmbH & Co. KG
    Möckernstraße 31
    30163 Hannover

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